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Why some women prefer older men

For a woman to fall in love and into the hand of a man old enough to be her father is no longer news these days. Some call it ‘gold digging’, ‘sugar daddy’, and ‘Papa Abraham.’ Give it any name you like, the fact remains that what a woman is looking for in a man is far different from your imagination.
Women love to explore, influence, manipulate and possess. These give her the room to dig deep like the female eagle. Every woman wants security, not just a mate hunter. A woman needs a man that will explore her, not just oral sex like the young men do. She needs to be provided for, her children, alongside with long term security. A female eagle needs all this and will not go for less, and that is why younger women don’t settle for less too.
Some believe that, younger women go for older men after realizing that the world is not as rosy as it seems, they will resolve to marrying and appreciating the mature men, old enough to be their father. Many are of the view that old men are intelligent and can always engage in deep conversations. Ladies like to have deep conversations, that are no real shocker and there’s better chance that they will find it with an older men. Interesting!
I think that, consenting adults marry for different reasons, though women marry men that would shower them with gifts. It is an inmate evolutionary tactic for women to find the strongest, most confident man who can financially support, respect, show her affection, and more likely settle down with her quickly.
It is also worth noting that, most men regardless of age seem to pursue women slightly younger than themselves, as well. So it’s a circular situation. Or may be there’s more to sexual chemistry than biology.
At the same time, no young pretty girl will date a poor old man, with limited financial reasons. It is hard-pressed to find such!
Though both are often a little more multidimensional than that, it seems easier and simple when women choose older men with wealth and huge experiences.
But in search for real love, the attraction runs deeper than anything biology or material possession can explain.
The question remains, what are the women really looking for?
Ebiere, 20, an under graduate said, “Older men are exciting and more experienced. Beside they have enough money to cater for me and my children, I don’t like to suffer!”
Egoyibo, 19, said older men are awesome. “They are more established and exciting. They have great level of comfort, which I desire in life, and are well established in their career. So I like older men.”
Tammy, in her submission opined that, younger men don’t take relationship serious, as older men do. “I cannot marry my age mate; in short I won’t be comfortable.”
Maris said, it is easier for a woman to connect with a more mature and established man than a man her age. “I feel he is still consumed with driving his career, and not connecting yet. So older men are better!”
Timi said, “I need security and stability. So marrying a man my age would not guarantee that. I think mature man is emotionally better and grounded, even wiser while handling relationship and fatherhood. So I prefer older men to younger ones.”
Nkem said older men are more experienced and would know how to handle issues. “I think they are better. More so, they are visual creatures, so I prefer them to younger men.”
Tamara said, “Marrying an old man will give me freedom, with my career and my children. He understands better! They are friendlier. So I like them!”
Ebi, 23 a final year student of NDU said, “Old men know how to respect people’s feelings. So I’d like to marry an old man, because he would give me all the pleasure I need in life.”
Kema said older men are spontaneous and do things differently, unlike the younger men without any experience. “Older men are better,” she submitted.
Eke said that, she is looking for love and admiration; and younger men cannot offer that. “I like to be appreciated and not rejected. Younger men will not give me that, so I will go for older men.”
Jenny said, “Though he might die earlier but I prefer him to younger men. In fact, that is the more reason why I should spend all my time with him, than suffer a second without him.”
Pere said, older men are mature, secure, and ready for commitment, unlike younger men that are porn addicted, skirt chasing, perpetually broke and slovenly. “So I prefer the old men to young men.”
Mimi said, “younger men no way. They are disorganized, often drunk and think that wife is substitute for mommy. It s difficult… I can’t marry young man.”
Precious is of the view that age is just a number. She said, “I concern myself with maturity level and don’t go for less. I have been with a level headed man who really knows what he wants in life, so I can’t stomach dating a man of my age.”
Princess submitted that, “Though he might not be rich and might have gray hair, but he is stable, loving and devoted partner. They are more experience too in bed. It is all about maturity, emotional and psychological. So who cares, all I want is happiness.”
When it comes to experience, age plays a role, also older men don’t play games, and that is why young women go for older men. It appears that most women are more comfortable dating older men than their age group. However, few still have the knack for younger ones because as some women claim they satisfy them on the bed and can go for as many rounds of sex as they could while the older ones prefer systematic love play.

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About Chinedu Eze

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