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What A Provoking Story

“Oh darling put it! She pleaded in a moanful voice after prolonged foreplay. She instinctively opened her legs wider. He still held back; skirting around his turgid phallus at the shores of her vulva, invoked by Tantalus. He dribbled the glans of his phallus on her clitoris. The glans pushed it around clockwise, anti-clockwise; then began to knock on it, like reprimanding a stubborn child. She gave out a gushing moan. Darling, you are killing me! The fleshy vulva was fully wetted and yearning for him, like a hungry child whose nostrils have been hit by the aroma of jollof rice. She held his waist closer, trying to force him in. He held back a little and smiled….”cool baby”, he groaned.

As he made to enter her, he paused again still dribbling around her clitoris with the glans of his phallus. Her longing heart sank when he drew his waist farther. But then he was drunk with desire. He couldn’t go! He deliberatively brought down his head to her waist…..”what are you doing darling!” she moaned. Her heart heaving, her taut nipples expectant, her eyes quarter closed; she yearned for him.

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He pirouetted his tongue into a pointed stiletto and he pressed it down on her clitoris. Aaahoooh, yaaaaaahooo ! he twirled his tongue round the clitoris and sucked softly, steadily and she jerked up, jerked down and lost herself in spasmodic orgasm. Then he entered her!

Eros flew in and took them in her wings. As his waist rose and fell, his phallus prodded through the corridors into the second passage and into the Alps, brushing the cleft of Venus, caressing the sensitive walls and heading to Kilimanjaro in a pulsating sensation. The world seized as he ushered her into Rome. She rocked into another reverberating orgasm. They reached the new world together.

Inspired by Muses at Sinners Chapel Incorporated

About Chinedu Eze

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