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Chinedu Eze

Sex Mistakes Women Make

There’s always lots of room for error when it comes to matters of the body. Do you obsess about how you look? Too embarrassed to give him directions? Not open to trying new things? Here are some of the mistakes women make while sexing with their partners…. Sex Mistake #1: Assuming ...

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The 10 Most Common STDs… Play Safe

An STD is characterized by any disease that is spread by one partner to another via sexual contact, and that can be orally, vaginally, anally, or via hand to genital contact. Regardless, they are spread when one partner passes the disease-causing organism onto the other. Obviously, preventing STD transmission is ...

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How to deal with Excessive Vaginal Wetness

  Some of us may be wondering how too much wetness can be a problem, but if you ask those in this situation they would rather be dry than excessively wet. While vaginal dryness is a more common problem, excessive wetness is a more frustrating problem as there are very ...

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10 Myths about HIV and AIDS

HIV/AIDs is arguably the most talked about sexually transmitted disease in Nigeria (which, by the way, has the world’s second largest number of people with HIV), however many people still don’t know many facts about the disease. Here are some of the myths peddled by ignorant folk followed by the ...

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The Risk of Having Multiple Sex Partners

A medical practitioner, has warned that multiple sexual partners among women increases risk of developing cervical cancer. The expert, Dr Uchenna Iroka, who is from the Department of Accident and Emergency Unit, Minna General Hospital, described cervical cancer as a cancer of the uterus (womb) that grows around the narrowing ...

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“Unmasking” Facts Men Wish Women Knew About Sex

Learn what he really wants in the bedroom and why, with these genius sex tips and advice. Freud called female sexuality “the dark continent”; if that’s true, male sexuality could qualify as the dark planet. But when it comes to sex, guys are simple, right? Not true. The bedroom is ...

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8 Things Every Woman Should Know About Using Lube

♫ Let’s talk about lube, baby. ♫ Lube can fill a myriad of needs—whether that’s keeping the engine revving a little longer during a marathon sex-binge, making things a little bit more slippery, or introducing you to some new kinds of fun. Bottom line, lube is pretty fantastic. If you ...

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