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Chinedu Eze

I Had Sex With My Ex and It Felt Great

It’s all over.  I suffered in silence for months. The joy I felt looking at my cell phone for the good morning text was superseded with a blank screen and a heavy heart. I knew that he wasn’t the one for me. I knew he was a prick and wanted ...

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Male infertility

I have been fighting live battles, with some male chauvinist, who think that infertility and inability of women to conceive male children are the sole responsibility of women. One incontrovertible medical evidence is that only males determine the sex of their babies. Some die hard males, called science a liar. ...

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Everything You Need to Know Before Trying Anal Sex

You know the phrase, “don’t knock it till you’ve tried it?” It’s never been more appropriate than with anal sex. Yes, it can be scary for beginners, and sure, it’s not going to go be pleasant every time. But some people swear by it because apparently it’s a  magical maneuver ...

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7 Things Guys Think About When You’re on Top

Have you ever been on top of a dude during sex and looked down to see that he’s in a moment of deep thought? Well, that’s not unusual. Girl on top requires the least amount of physical effort on our end, freeing up the mind to wander a bit. It’s ...

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Your Step-By-Step Guide To Asking For Hotter Sex

Here’s how to get exactly what you want. Maybe you’re looking to test the waters with a vibrator or handcuffs while getting it on. Or you just want your partner to give you oral more often (or at all). Whatever it is, you’re certainly not the only gal trying to ...

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6 Resolutions Sex Therapists Want You to Make This Year

Start 2017 with a bang. Many of us make the same New Year’s resolutions year after year: eat less junk food, exercise more, stick to a budget, and drink less wine (okay, maybe not that last one). The point is, we are seriously slacking on making resolutions that are actually fun—like ...

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Guys, Five Reasons You Should Never Try Anal S*x

Ordinarily, there should be only one (main) route to sexual satisfaction – intercourse, but in reality, people have devised several means to that destination, and one of the ways some people have adopted is anal s*x. This means s*x through the anus. And the act seems to be growing, because ...

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