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The 10 Most Common STDs… Play Safe

An STD is characterized by any disease that is spread by one partner to another via sexual contact, and that can be orally, vaginally, anally, or via hand to genital contact. Regardless, they are spread when one partner passes the disease-causing organism onto the other. Obviously, preventing STD transmission is ...

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10 Myths about HIV and AIDS

HIV/AIDs is arguably the most talked about sexually transmitted disease in Nigeria (which, by the way, has the world’s second largest number of people with HIV), however many people still don’t know many facts about the disease. Here are some of the myths peddled by ignorant folk followed by the ...

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Male infertility

I have been fighting live battles, with some male chauvinist, who think that infertility and inability of women to conceive male children are the sole responsibility of women. One incontrovertible medical evidence is that only males determine the sex of their babies. Some die hard males, called science a liar. ...

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Sex Staves Off Prostate Cancer

Regular sex can help protect men against prostate cancer, a medical study has found.   It showed that the most sexually-active males had less chance of contracting the potentially-fatal disease. Frequent sex was also linked to less aggressive prostate cancer, which is more likely to respond to treatment and has ...

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4 Reasons to buy her a vibrator

I really don’t seem to understand why men think of vibrators as competition. Like seriously, if the toy that can’t pull her hair, spank her, bite her or talk dirty to her can compete with you, you need serious training. I really don’t seem to understand why men think of ...

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Here’s an Easy Way to Tell if You’re Dating a Psychopath

The term “psychopath” makes people a little nervous. So if you were regularly hanging out with a psychopath, you’d probably want to know, right? Scientists can help with that. They’ve now discovered an easy way to detect if someone has higher odds of being a psychopath: Watch how they yawn. A new study published in ...

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Good Trip Frustrated by Farting

The five hours and 40 minutes flight from Johannesburg to Lagos would have been great but something happened shortly after take-off. The man in front of my seat released a ballistic missile in the form of fart. It hit our nostrils like terror attack. The white man who sat beside ...

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