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Why men prefer marrying virgins

Everyone is entitled to his/her beliefs, either to marry a virgin or non virgin. Both present a unique set of advantages in figuring out who your ideal woman is. Most men take pride in being the only man their woman has been with; it’s a territorial thing. The man gets to play teacher and hopefully customize their woman’s performance to suit their needs. It is the only way the man can be absolutely certain that any child the woman produces after their wedding is his progeny. Since her sexual life begins from him.
According to a woman who is in her 70s, in the past, it was expected and even a pride for a maiden to go into marriage as a virgin. But if her husband found her not to be so, the family suffered instant condemnation. But she however lamented that nowadays civilization has substantially changed the way people perceive virginity.
These days, it was even thought that any girl who dare reveal to her peers that she is still a virgin is regarded and mocked as “bush girl”, “holy Mary”, “church girl”. Girls are now competing to be the first to lose their virginity to a boyfriend.
On the other hand, attitudes are changing, and it’s becoming fashionable to be a virgin. The new development is driven more by the Pentecostal revivals spreading throughout the world. Virginity, at least among Pentecostal Christians and Muslims, is being appreciated again. Being a virgin is good, these people argue, saying that it is a key factor to whether there would be deep trust between the couple.
Mark Nwoke explained that he will prefer marrying a virgin because according to him, marrying a girl who is not a virgin is like eating a left-over food. But Miss Joyce Musa countered his opinion by maintaining that some guys are going for virgins after they might have disvirgined many innocent ladies outside there, for example on the issue of rape.
However, many believed that women who are married as virgins are now worse than whores. Mr. John Nwankwor disclosed that marrying a lady who is a virgin or who is not a virgin is not the issue, but the issue is finding somebody who will be a good wife and a good mother. He went further to say that somebody can be a virgin and at the same time be a wolf in the family.
But then, the issue of virginity is like a two-sided coin as it also applies to men too who go into marriage without having ever had sex with a woman. For women who marry such men, and considering the realities of the present time, when women have become bolder and assertive, they expect to be sexually satisfied by their husbands.
Some men even opined that many men prefer marrying a virgin because they cherished to settle down with a girl that doesn’t have a nasty past and prefer to be the only man in her life. They also said that typical male always feel some sort of been over “in-charge” of the lady and they want to feel like they have accomplished something, since they believed that there is something powerful about being the only one who has ever had sex with a particular woman.
Many argue that marrying female virgin is an advantage to a man that will marry her because he knows that she has never been touched by any man and she is free from Sexually Transmitted Diseases, STD. They stated further that the man will respect the woman and also have trust in her throughout their marriage.
Some people especially the guys are of the view that when a boy loses his virginity at the age of 13, he is a hero in his male circle. But when a girl loses her’s at 13, she is perceived as a slut. So it is also true for multiple partners. For some reasons society views it as okay for a man to have 10 partners in his life but if a woman does, she will be seen as a trash. Men that sleep around with ladies, found out that some ladies are something else, they turned themselves into bedroom experiments and made nuisance of womanhood. Therefore men made a mantle note to avoid such lady as a marriage material.
At this present time where things are even more complicated, some men find the best insurance in marrying a virgin or a rather conservative lady.

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Culled from

About Chinedu Eze

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