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Chinedu Eze

Nigerian prostitutes vow to chase out foreigners

Nigerian prostitutes are not happy at the invasion of their counterparts from other countries. Worried by the influx of commercial sex workers into the country, especially those from West African countries, especially Ghana, Togo, Benin Republic and Burkina Faso, members of the National Association of Nigerian Prostitutes (NANP), led by ...

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Is Sex Better with Age?

Over the years, there has been an ongoing debate and till date, answer seems to be contradictory and the subject of the debate is quite ironical: ‘who enjoys sex more, the young or the old?’ According to a set of researchers, they believe that a memorable, passionate and erotic sex ...

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He Raped My Sister and Beats Me at Will —Wife

A 33-year-old businessman, Kamoru Ajofoyinbo, has lost his seven-year-old marriage to his wife, Oluwaseyi, for allegedly raping her sister. An Igando customary court in Lagos State severed the relationship following allegations of infidelity brought against Ajofoyinbo by his wife, Oluwaseyi. The court’s president, Mr Adegboyega Omilola, noted that the couple ...

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She’s a Drunkard, Starved Me of Sex Since 2012 —Husband

An Igando customary court in Lagos State has dissolved the 11-year-old marriage between Azeez Ige and his wife, Bola, over alleged sex starvation. While dissolving the union, the court’s president, Mr Adegboyega Omilola, said in his judgement that the court was convinced the estranged couple was tired of the union, ...

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He Didn’t Allow Us to Attend Church Vigil —Wife

After several adjournments for possible settlement between Theresa George and her husband, Augustine George, a three-man panel of judges led by Mr Ramoni Lafenwa, of Grade ‘C’ customary court, Inalende, Ibadan,Oyo State, has dissolved their 25-year-old marriage. The plaintiff, Teresa, a 37-year-old trader who filed a divorce suit against her ...

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Benefits of engaging in regular sexual activity

By Sola Ogundipe These days, trying to squeeze sex into an already tight schedule seems next-to-impossible sometimes. But for married couples who get it on regularly, the payoff can be substantial. If you are stressed, burdened with life’s difficult problems and fear that your health is declining, sex could be ...

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