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Sex Mistakes Women Make

There’s always lots of room for error when it comes to matters of the body. Do you obsess about how you look? Too embarrassed to give him directions? Not open to trying new things?

Here are some of the mistakes women make while sexing with their partners….

Sex Mistake #1: Assuming he’s always up for sex: This might hold true for teenage boys, but not men. Once men hit their mid-20s, many things compete for their energy. Work pressures, responsibilities and everyday life can dampen the libido. If he’s not into it, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t desire you anymore. He truly may not be in the mood.
Sex Mistake #2:Thinking sex ends when he climaxes: Just because he’s fulfilled doesn’t mean you are. Let him know you haven’t finished and help him find ways to get you there with his hands or mouth*double wink*.
If he’s consistently too tired to give you the attention you deserve, have your needs met before his own next time.
Sex Mistake #3Obsessing about your body: You’re not exactly excited about the numbers on the scale… so what? Putting on weight is no excuse for avoiding sex. Or maybe your weight is fine, but you’re fixating on another flaw. Guess what? If he wants to have sex with you, he thinks you’re sexy.

If your self-image is hindering your sex life, consult a therapist (not too many around but they exist), read a motivational book or visit blogs like this one. Remember knowledge is power(and confidence).

Sex Mistake #4: Not giving him any guidance: Pleasing a woman is no easy task, so help him out. Give him explicit directions – when, where, how hard, how fast and more.
If you’re too embarrassed to cue him verbally, find another way. For example, if you’re watching a sex scene in a movie (I didn’t say porn), say something like, “I like how he does that” or “That doesn’t do it for me.”
Or bookmark pages in a sex book and ask him to read them. Or let out a moan when he does something that pleases you. I always tell friends and patients this: when it comes to sex, communication is key.
Sex Mistake #5Overreacting when he suggests something new: I’m sure I’ve talked about this somewhere else on this blog. Most of us do the same thing day in and day out. And whether it’s in the bedroom or the boardroom, routine can get boring. Men like looking at, trying out and experimenting with new things.
There’s nothing wrong about it. Suggesting something new is not a criticism of you. It’s simply a craving for variety. So have an open mind.
Every woman must love her body, know her needs and guide her man… Now go give it another try!
Related to this article  I Had Sex With My Ex and It Felt Great

About Chinedu Eze

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